Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Christians and Dream Interpretation

Many Christians have a problem with dream interpretation because they see it as a form of divination, which is prohibited in the Bible, as a part of the occult. Actually, there is quite a lot of dream interpretation in the bible itself, and that dream interpretation is often perceived as a message from God. Dream Interpretation can be viewed either way. A third way to view dream interpretation is purely psychological. Within our society and personal lives, we associate meanings with various symbols. Take for instance the white rabbit. In the book “Alice in Wonderland” the white rabbit leads Alice on an adventure down the rabbit hole. The symbol is used again in the movie “The matrix”, when the main character sees a white rabbit as a tattoo, and goes down a “rabbit hole” or adventure of his own. So to dream of a white rabbit may indicate that you feel that something quite mundane in your life may actually turn out to be quite extraordinary. Although this example is simple psychology, it could also be used as a symbol for divination. (Divination involves predicting the future.) So you could interpret this dream to mean that something quite out of the ordinary is going to happen to you soon! See how something that you FEEL may happen to you, becomes something that WILL happen to you if you use the dream symbol as a method of divination?

So what is a Christian to do when they dream about a white rabbit? The answer is to look at the symbol as something that represents how you might be feeling about your life or an aspect of your life at the moment, rather than looking at it as an open foretelling something that is going to happen to you in the future.


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