Sunday, September 17, 2006

Dreaming about arguing with or killing your boss.

To dream that you're attacking someone may represent your need to release some pent-up frustration and anger over a feeling that you have been wronged. To dream that you are being attacked by someone, on the other hand, signifies that questions have been raised about your character resulting in a need to defend yourself, and may also be faced with difficult changes in your waking life. A dream about your boss is usually not about your boss but about yourself - each one of us has a part of ourselves that is (either consciously or unconsciously) in control of the other parts, making decisions and accepting responsibility. Arguing with or killing this representation of yourself may indicate your unwillingness to change and adapt to a new situation.

(Psst read the full article about Dreaming at work if you dont want to read it in daily pieces with me!)


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